Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hostile witness

Dear Scold,

One of my co-workers is a nice lady, but she's also an evangelical Christian and at least once a week she starts "witnessing" to me about Christ and her religion. This makes me very uncomfortable and I'd love for her to stop doing this, but I'm not the confrontational sort. Advice, please?

Not Interested in Ottawa

Dear Not Interested,

You'll be happy to hear that the Canadian government, in its infinite wisdom, has provided an excellent set of tools for use by non-confrontational people who don't like to be made to feel uncomfortable. We call them Human Rights Commissions, and we not only have one federally, but there are provincial versions as well.

Your co-worker wouldn't be a Christian if she wasn't a hateful bigot and I would advise using this against her. The next time she starts shoving her vile religion down your throat, casually ask if her church permits same-sex marriages because you are thinking of marrying your partner. This should set her off. If she flips her lid in front of witnesses or in the form of a written communication, BINGO. You have instant proof of workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and all you need to do is file that all-important complaint with your friendly HRC.

Remember, this system is designed to protect non-confrontational people so you probably won't even have to appear in front of a tribunal. There will be no cost to you for doing this (the system is set up to punish hateful bigots, not you), and you can expect satisfactory results as the tribunals return a nearly perfect conviction rate. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Soon your co-worker will be dismissed from her job, stuck with massive legal bills, and forced to pay you large amounts of money for having the audacity to befoul a pleasant conversation by introducing her church into it. Most important, though, is that you won't have to feel uncomfortable any longer.


The Scold
Need advice? E-mail your questions to:
askthescold [at] gmail [dot] com


Anonymous said...

Dear Sourpuss,
I have a co-worker who is not a nice man, and is a Muslim. He tells me that if I do not convert to Islam, that when Canada is ruled by Sharia law I will be among the first to be beheaded. I'm afraid of saying anything to the authorities because I will be accused of racism and bigotry.
I'm confused I thought you said people shouldn't force their religion on others? Would you do me a favor you dipshit? go look up "double standard" in the dictionary and get back to me when you grow a brain.

Anonymous said...

That was the most biased comment i have ever herd in my life.. I hope the reader realizes, if he is really uncomfortable, he should just go have a coffee with the lady, talk to her about Jesus, and tell her he is not interested and it makes him feel uncomfortable.. Furthermore, i dont know if the guy who posed this biased advice has had bad experiences with Christian in the past, but true believers are some of the nicest people i know. I hope the reader does take what this guy says seriously, he clearly has deep rooted issues against Christianity, and his opinion is more hateful then many anti-gay Christians out there.