Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dominoes delivers

dear scold,

while the flourishing "junkie community" here in ottawa appreciates the quarter million taxpayer dollars the dalton government has just placed at our disposal to acquire fresh new syringes for injecting heroin... we still have to go out daily, in all kinds of weather, to score our junk.

this strikes me as really unfair... after all, i'm kinda disabled, right?

what can i do to ensure my drugs are paid for, and delivered to the shelter in a timely fashion?


bent in bytown

Dear Bent,

While I sympathize with your plight, the unpleasant truth we are faced with is that our great nation is currently afflicted with a hateful Conservative government that is intent on furthering your misery and preventing you from achieving dignified access to your medication. I doubt they can be counted on to release the additional funds needed to the Ontario government for home delivery of your essential supplies.

I apologize in advance for forcing you to leave your home and brave the elements, but I think the best course of action you can take is to proceed directly to the doorway of the nearest family restaurant and start injecting your drugs there. This will rile the owner of the restaurant who will be worried that your shooting up in his doorway will hurt his business. Since you have a right to use these government issued needles (they wouldn't give them to you if you weren't supposed to use them, nie?) you can immediately launch a human rights complaint against the owner of the restaurant.

Medical marijuana user and human rights activist Steve Gibson is already doing yeoman work of establishing the precedent of using government supplied drugs and paraphernalia anywhere you please in Ontario, and I would encourage you to follow his upstanding example. When you win your case (and doesn't everyone?), you can use the large cash settlement you've received for mental anguish to have your medication delivered directly to your home.


The Scold
Need advice? E-mail your questions to:
askthescold [at] gmail [dot] com


Seraphic Single said...

I came this way via Kathy Shaidle. Hilarious! Welcome to the blogosphere.

The Scold said...

That fact that you find the all-too-real suffering of a marginalized and socio-economically deprived member of our society "hilarious" is understandable given that you admit to patronizing the hateful KKKathy Shaidle's site.

I would recommend you attend sensitivity training, but I'm afeared that it would cause your two remaining brain cells to self-immolate.


The Scold