Dear Scold
I am a native indian who works, pays taxes, and own my own property. Lately other natives are upset at me because I tend not to blame the white man for all that is wrong, and I am too busy working to give my family a better living so I can't take part in protests and road occupations etc.
They get particularly angry when I tell them the reserve system is an outdated idea well past its best before date and needs to be abolished. One Chief even called me long distance from one of this conferences in Las Vegas to reprimand me.
I can't help it, this is the way my Dad taught me - is it his fault? But he's NOT white either!
wondering who to blame...
Dear Wondering,
It makes me very sad to hear that you have turned your back on the rich cultural heritage you are descended from. Was your father victimized by a residential school? I see many once proud First Nations citizens who have been damaged by their "education" in these oppressive institutions, and who believe as you and your father do.
I can certainly sympathize with your chief and fellow Aboriginals. They simply wish for you to return to the ways of your ancestors. To be one with nature, to dance under the sun and the moon, to smoke the sacred herb, and to do all of the other really cool things that I've seen in movies like Pocahontas and Brother Bear. Can you blame them for being upset with you, for forsaking your place as a steward of the land and instead becoming a capitalist who despoils it?
This is not your fault -- this is the fault of the white man for tearing your father's culture away from him so that he could not raise you according to your heritage.
The Scold suggests: embark on a Spirit Journey to the sacred sands of Vulcan, Alberta, where you can have an Elder perform the ancient ritual of Kolinahr and help you discard the last vestiges of your capitalism. Only then can you return to your tribe and take your place as a responsible First Nations citizen on your reservation, mindful of your treaty rights and proud of upholding your cultural heritage, once again receiving your due in the form of financial compensation as an oppressed member of this country's Aboriginal community.
Have a big toke off the ol' "peace" pipe for me!
The Scold
Need advice? E-mail your questions to:
askthescold [at] gmail [dot] com
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