Friday, May 2, 2008

Getting face time with the president

Dear Scold

As a former lawyer, I have been hired as a consultant to help develop a creative legal defence for a few employees at the Canadian Human Rights Commission for possible criminal charges. What is the definition of "truth" in Canada? I am also looking for an assistant as my last intern quit saying the work left a bad taste in her mouth. Can you advise?

BJ Clinton

Slickmeister Associates

Whitewater, AR

Dear BJ,

The "truth" is whatever "we" say it is. EVERYONE knows that. How the devil did you get past the hiring committee without meeting any of the fundamental requirements? Oh... Nevermind. We had a female recruiter, didn't we?

The best way to deal with your staffing turnover issue is to soak your Johnson in Scope between interns. They'll thank you for it. The odor of the Scope shouldn't bother Hillary. I doubt she'll be able to smell it over the reek of the formaldehyde your campaign team packs her in between speaking engagements.


The Scold
Need advice? E-mail your questions to:
askthescold [at] gmail [dot] com

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